Your room Your DomainHow you present yourself on cam is a big theme on Guide to Camming. As industry professionals and lifelong achievers, we truly believe that it makes a difference how you present yourself on cam, how you groom yourself, how you craft your behavior, and how you engage with your customers. Focus on those things which you have control over. It can make or break your cam adventure. And, heeded properly, can elevate your hours to the heights of financial freedom. It can also mean the difference between twiddling your thumbs or watching your bank account today, I’d like to offer you up one bit of wisdom that you can take with you as soon as you’re back online. It’s this: OWN YOUR DOMAIN. Or, said otherwise, YOUR ROOM, YOUR DOMAIN. Let’s break it down.

Your Domain 2You are in control of your room. Don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise. You are the one who is on cam and you are the one who fans are coming to visit. They are on your channel, in your room. If they don’t like it, they can leave. Right? Right. Don’t be afraid to think otherwise. Sure, playing into their hands is recommended, but there’s no need for you to feel shy. Literally, it’s your chat room. The more you own your domain, the more your customers will want to hang out with you. You’ll start to see the same people coming to your room week after week.

Own your domain by expressing yourself in an authentic way. Don’t be afraid to show your face. Or, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Let loose and explore yourself. Let this side of your personality shine through. As we repeatedly say, “Be your own unique self.” Personally, I feel that camming is special because it allows customers to spend time with a real person. That’s YOU. Don’t ever forget that. Camming is all about connection (you -> fan and fan -> you). It’s all about opening yourself to letting people come close and spend time with you. And that… that’s a real gift. You are giving the gift of your time and attention.

Your Room So, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “It’s okay to be who you are.” Feels liberating, doesn’t it? This kind of thing is helpful. Actually, we wholly encourage it. The more you opt-in to the idea of “Your Room, Your Domain,” the more free you will feel. Everyone who comes to your room has chosen you. Use that wisdom to empower yourself and really enjoy your time on cam. Own it, dear model. You deserve it.