It’s a steamy summer night in the city. Imagine that you are someone looking to spend a few quality hours on a cam site. You’ll be looking for that extra-special model who’ll be the best choice for an evening in. Now, imagine that you come to your preferred cam site of choice and are confronted with a wall of profile pictures or images from the chat room (depending on the site). Your customer is going to think impulsively about his/her choice. That is, your customer will only spend a split second deciding which model he/she wants to spend time with. Snap your fingers. Click! Just like that.

GTC Profile Set Apart WomanUltimately, your customer is going to go with whichever model best fits what they are looking for at that exact moment. Of course, it might be you. However, it might be someone else. The only thing that you can do to catch that fish is to tailor your profile pic to represent the best version of yourself that you wish to display to potential customers. In this business you can’t please everyone, but you can control your niche, your image, your visual appeal. And the message in bringing this to your conscious awareness is that we live in a world of image. Controlling and shaping your profile image is of the utmost importance to how your fans will view you.


GTC Profile Pic Female 1Your profile picture is the first “hook” that entices customers to your room. Imagine you see two images side-by-side. One image is a poorly lit selfie that barely displays the model’s face or whatever appealing side of their body they are trying to express through the framing of the pic. The other profile picture is a professionally shot image that shows a tailored and carefully crafted image of the model in HD quality, a stunning representation of what the model is offering. Which pic do you think that you would click on? Think about it.


As a professional or aspiring webcam model, it’s always important to remember that your profile picture is the first thing any customer sees of you. Your name might seduce, but we are visual creatures. Your picture is everything. Not to crank up the pressure too highly, but this profile pic is your “image” on the site. Moreover, it is your business card, your poster, your advertisement and the first impression a customer has of you.

The rule of thumb here is that it’s important that your image be something captivating, eye catching and appealing. Also, the angle should be attractive, highlighting whichever part of you that you want coming to the forefront. In brief, it should display your best feature and your selling points.


GTC Male Profile 1Your image speaks volumes about you. It can even determine your “quality” as a model and can even decide, in a customer’s mind, if you are a top model, that is, a model who is worthy of top pay. Always, be aware of how you are portraying yourself. If you want to be paid like a professional model, you need to carry and represent yourself as one. Remember, customers don’t know that you are new.  Selfies are great for social media. But here you are a genuine model.

Customers know how to pick out models who will settle for less and models who expect top dollar. Which do you want to be? 


Now, don’t get discouraged. Pick yourself up and get ready to rock. No cam site outright expects you to have a professional shoot done. They more than welcome new cam models. Maybe try an image that is Instagram worthy. Ask yourself, what does my profile image say about me? What does it say about me as a cam model? Are customers likely to pic me out of the other models on the site? Do I look fun? Am I captivating? Do I look appealing?

A generic, basic selfie is no competition to a model with professional images. It is easy to fake it. Get dolled up and have a captivating pose with good lighting. Having an image only showing your butt or your cleavage is great, but it is also a dime a dozen. Any customer can go into any room and find a great pair or great abs, legs, etc. That is not what sets you apart, and makes you unique. Your face is what sets you apart. Your unique style sets you apart.

Remember that… “Your unique style sets you apart.” It always will. When a customer decides to check out your site, they are drawn in by your profile pic. They are drawn in by your essence. Make them feel it. Be your best self.