Look Lively 2When customers enter your room, they are presented with your image. They will instinctively react to how you appear on cam — how your body appears on cam. Do you look bored? Maybe you look careless? Are you pouting in a frustrated way? Or, perhaps you are emanating an irritated vibe? No matter what, you are going to want to look lively and approachable. Sometimes, even through the distance of a webcam, people will be intimidated by you. Unless you are purposely cultivating that effect, you’ll want to work on how you are coming off to people who are coming into your room.


Look Lively 4What’s one great way to look both lively and approachable? Well, there’s a saying that, “nothing is more beautiful on a man or a woman than a confident smile.” There’s something magical about the power of a welcoming smile. When you appear to be welcoming and happy you invite that kind of energy into your room. And, the more comfortable and content your customers become, the more they are going to want to spend time with you. Sometimes, we don’t even realize that we are not smiling. In truth, it’s very possible that appear too serious on cam, and hence aren’t getting the tips that you feel you deserve. Spin that around and focus on the positive energy of building a room where everyone is welcome and everyone is positive.


Look Lively 4Finally, I know this is not always easy to do, but trust me, it’s worth it. And your fans will thank you, too. I compare it to the experience of watching a late night television talk show host. In every clip I watch, I’m joined by an upbeat and funny personality. Sure, sometimes such hosts discuss serious matters, but most of the time, their presence is focused on keeping things funny. That’s a major skill. Also, the television talk show host thrives on their ability to be lively and approachable. If you don’t believe me, conduct an experiment. Go to Youtube and look around for popular late night talk show host clips. Analyze their behavior, how they make their audiences laugh, how they tell jokes. And if you think such celebrities don’t apply to your situation, I think you’re wrong. In my opinion, you are an entertainer just like they are. So, take a moment and try to work on your smile. Show your room that you welcome them into your lovely space. Notice the difference.


It will be palpable.