Category :camming

Your Domain 1


Your room Your DomainHow you present yourself on cam is a big theme on Guide to Camming. As industry professionals and lifelong achievers, we truly believe that it makes a difference how you present yourself on cam, how you groom yourself, how you craft your behavior, and how you engage with your customers. Focus on those things which you have control over. It can make or break your cam adventure. And, heeded properly, can elevate your hours to the heights of financial freedom. It can also mean the difference between twiddling your thumbs or watching your bank account today, I’d like to offer you up one bit of wisdom that you can take with you as soon as you’re back online. It’s this: OWN YOUR DOMAIN. Or, said otherwise, YOUR ROOM, YOUR DOMAIN. Let’s break it down.

Your Domain 2You are in control of your room. Don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise. You are the one who is on cam and you are the one who fans are coming to visit. They are on your channel, in your room. If they don’t like it, they can leave. Right? Right. Don’t be afraid to think otherwise. Sure, playing into their hands is recommended, but there’s no need for you to feel shy. Literally, it’s your chat room. The more you own your domain, the more your customers will want to hang out with you. You’ll start to see the same people coming to your room week after week.

Own your domain by expressing yourself in an authentic way. Don’t be afraid to show your face. Or, don’t be afraid to be vulnerable. Let loose and explore yourself. Let this side of your personality shine through. As we repeatedly say, “Be your own unique self.” Personally, I feel that camming is special because it allows customers to spend time with a real person. That’s YOU. Don’t ever forget that. Camming is all about connection (you -> fan and fan -> you). It’s all about opening yourself to letting people come close and spend time with you. And that… that’s a real gift. You are giving the gift of your time and attention.

Your Room So, take a deep breath and say to yourself, “It’s okay to be who you are.” Feels liberating, doesn’t it? This kind of thing is helpful. Actually, we wholly encourage it. The more you opt-in to the idea of “Your Room, Your Domain,” the more free you will feel. Everyone who comes to your room has chosen you. Use that wisdom to empower yourself and really enjoy your time on cam. Own it, dear model. You deserve it.

Cam Looks 1


Cam Looks 5When customers see you on cam, they see the “you” that you paint yourself to look like. Maybe you clean and organize your background. Perhaps you’re choosing just the right outfit or accessories to highlight certain parts of your appearance. Whatever intentional steps you take, think about the purpose of this venture. Think about your selling traits and how you can craft your “cam look” so as to keep yourself at the top of your game and be the model that rises to the top of whatever site you’re choosing to call home.

Cam Looks 3Remember, literally every physical feature defines your sexual identity. It sounds shallow, but remember, this is the camming industry. Some customers will judge you based on how you present yourself on cam. When you intentionally build your on-screen persona, you are taking control of your cam image. This kind of control will help you understand what works and what doesn’t. In finding out what works, you are able to tighten up that narrative and see what further strategies will help you earn even more.

And, of course, when we discuss physical beauty, we are not always referring to purely sexual content. Physical beauty is a complex topic, one that can’t easily be explained or summarized in a short blog article. That said, your physical beauty can shine from small part of your appearance. Think of George Clooney’s salt and pepper hair that ages him in a pleasing way. Think about Marilyn Monroe’s birthmark. Or, think about Channing Tatum’s muscles combined with his boyish smile. All of these things are subtle, but they help escalate the person to an iconic status. Think about what sets you apart and use it to your advantage. Present your best self to the world and the world will shine back at you. Own yourself. You deserve it.

Cam Looks 4In just taking these first steps to understand your beautiful points will work to your advantage. In doing so, you are truly creating your “cam look.” Your cam room is your own and how you choose to express yourself on cam is your own choice. It doesn’t matter that you are not a celebrity. Every step you take to focus in on your strengths will build you into a better and better model.

GTC Engage Customers 1

Engage the Mind and the Body Will Follow


GTC Girl Engage Have you ever been involved in a conversation where the person you are talking to won’t stop talking about themselves? Think closely. What usually ends up happening in such a situation? In my experience, my eyes start to grow heavy, my vision blurs from the boredom, and my head hits the table before I even know it. Yes, it’s painfully boring when a person spends too much time talking about themselves. What will set you apart is the level at which you are genuinely interested in your customers. Engage them. Remember that customers, like anyone else, want to feel desired and wanted. So, what can you do? Here are a few simple things that you can start doing today to better cultivate a sense of becoming more interested in your room.


GTC Engage Customers 2First, Get to know them as a person, not a bank. When performing, don’t just pleasure yourself and stare at the ceiling. Instead, talk and engage with your customer. Get off to them, or at least appear to do so. People genuinely want to be fed their value and feel sexy and wanted and desired. Assure your customer has an experience they will never forget and keep them coming back for more.


Second, keep notes. Notes are a great way for you to remember details about particular customers. Trust me. When you start having many fans who want to spend time with you, it’ll be to your advantage to be organized and show them that, not only do you remember them, but you remember particular details about them. That kind of deep level will really set you apart from the competition.


GTC Engage GuyFinally, get engaged with your five senses (and try to engage your customers’ senses). Even through a digital screen, various senses can be engaged positively by using your imagination and encouraging your customer to use their imagination. Engage the mind and the body will follow. Plus, customers will definitely be more convinced that you are interested in them if you are curious about what they look like, what they smell like (what cologne or perfume they wear), how tall they are, what their voice sounds like, etc. Be genuinely interested in getting to know them. You are the star, but help them feel like the center of attention as well. Ask them what some of their fantasies are and what kind of people they are attracted to, and then create that character for them in your next show together.

Texting on Cam for Money


Texting provocative, flirtatious or downright sexy messages to another person is not a brand new concept, but the ability to make money doing it is .. at least in the world of cam modeling.

As any successful cam model knows, it takes hours and hours of hard work, dedication and the commitment to build your customer base. It also takes many hours to grow your brand in a realistic way, create repeat clients, and catch those highly sought after (and generous) whales who will spend big to take you private.

But even when all this is said and done, even when you’ve established yourself as a dedicated, successful and independent cam model there are always new ways to connect (and make good money) when you’re not on the clock. Today, I’m going to go over three ways that you can use to make more money, ways that are easy to implement and, if you haven’t already tried the, well worth your time. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

Creating a Loyal Fan Base

SMS Cams TextingFans want to connect with their favorite models. They want to get to know the other person on the other end of the camera; to learn about their hobbies; to appreciate their quirks and mannerisms. Fans also want to know that you’re a real person. Knowing this, the ability to become friends and a trusted confidant is what separates the good cam models from the GREAT ones! Yes, it takes time, it takes dedication. Always, tt takes perseverance. But above all, it takes the ability to show up every day on cam with a winning personality that says, “YES, I’m worth your time .. YES, I’m worth your attention.”

Successful cam models with a loyal and dedicated customer base appreciate the importance of keeping to a schedule, logging on consistently and engaging with their fans … after all, if they won’t do it, another model will!

Make Yourself Approachable

Loyal customers, invariably will want to learn about the “real” you, not the persona you present on camera. They will want to express themselves to the real personality, likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests and passions that fill your life. As such, the appeal of being able to call someone on the phone, or even better, the ability to be able to text with someone “after hours” adds a new, exciting and profitable way to stay connected with your clients when you’re not camming. Just as importantly, give your best customers the chance to feel that they have a better “more exclusive” connection to you that the majority of your other customers might not have.

So, if you’re willing and able to respond to a few texts when you’re not working, if you’re willing and able to text and interact with your loyal fans when you’re “out & about,” why not make a little extra income and watch those credits roll in!

Keep Texting Private

modeling on cam textingOf course, privacy is key here. It’s all very well and good having a loyal fan tip you for a few provocative pictures or a more intimate conversation thread – but there have to be boundaries. Not revealing your real cell phone number (and keeping it private) is at the top of the list! Savvy webcam companies like Flirt4Free (among certain select others who have been around for years) know this. They partner with a third party host to provide you with safe, secure cell phone numbers that when used through their site can provide you with personalized text rates, tip breakdowns, variable customer rates, and of course monthly pay outs based on your texting success.

Who wouldn’t want the ability to make extra money for texting in their spare time with fans that wanted to spend a little more?

If you know of any other companies in the cam world you use this sexy texting feature, companies that you love to use other than Flirt4Free, drop us a line. And, of course, if you’re a webcam model, chime in one and all. We’d love to hear from you. If you’ve used texting as a way to build your income with clients, let us know what you thought of the experience. Do you feel it was worth it? What was easy about it? What was challenging?

Interested in reading more about privacy, check out our article on how you, as a webcam model, can protect your privacy online. 

Camming Confidentially: Part 2 General Privacy and Safety Tips

As promised, here’s part 2 (and read part one if you haven’t yet) of my tips for maintaining your privacy and security as a cam model. This post will focus on some important steps for securing both your personal and professional social media accounts. Camming confidentially is of upmost importance. We’re here to help. I’ll preface this by saying that some models who want to focus on their careers simply delete their private social media accounts altogether. Honestly, they’re by far the biggest culprit in opening the gates for your camming life to creep into your private life. But I’m sure this isn’t possible for everyone, so here are some essential steps for keeping your privacy intact.

Privacy Settings

On your personal Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages, make sure you use the privacy settings to their fullest. This will keep strangers out, and make sure only your curated group of friends and family members can see your posts.

Use a Nickname

Change your display name to a nickname. If one of your fans happens across your profile and recognizes you, your real name still won’t be visible, providing your privacy settings are maxed out.

Reverse Image Search

If you decide to keep separate profiles for your on-cam and off-cam persona, never mix photos between the two. A reverse image search can lead a curious viewer to your other profile very easily.

Turn Off Location Services

The most popular social media sites have features that tag your posts with your approximate (or sometimes your exact) whereabouts. A fan knowing your exact real-time location can be disruptive or even dangerous. Make sure this feature is disabled before posting to your professional account. Here’s how to do it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and for turning on “Ghost Mode” on Snapchat.

Touristy Stuff

Never post photos of your neighborhood, local landmarks, your awesome new car, or even your pets to your cam-model profiles. Any aspect of your off-cam life can be a privacy risk.

What the Heck is an EXIF?

Another thing to know is that sometimes the pictures and video you post contain something called EXIF data. This information usually contains your camera model, settings, and editing software. It can also contain location information in some cases. For a better sense of what EXIF data is, and how to remove it, check out this article.

Again! No Clicking!

At the risk of repeating myself: Never open links from your customers. Remember, always operate confidentially. Never open links. Not in chat, email, or a tweet. No matter how trustworthy they seem, this is the best policy. Apart from malware and viruses, there is also software that can reveal your IP address, which can give away your location.

As it is, becoming a cam model will make you something of a public persona. As you gain viewers and fans, many of them will actively try to learn more about you. Also, you will find this both flattering and invasive at times. And while none of these steps, or those I listed in part 1, are cure-alls for keeping your personal and professional lives from uncomfortably mixing, they should offer you several layers of protection when it comes your privacy and your safety. In closing, I hope this was helpful. Stay safe, and thanks for reading.